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Handling Errors

While the Polkadot Contract Wizard (PCW) is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, you might encounter errors or issues during your journey. This section aims to guide you through common error messages, their meanings, and troubleshooting steps to resolve them.

Compilation Errors

Error Message:

"Compilation Failed: Invalid Token Parameters."


This error indicates that there's an issue with the parameters you've set for your token during the compilation process.


  • Ensure that the token name, symbol, and total supply fields are correctly filled.
  • Check for any invalid characters or spaces in the token name or symbol.
  • If using extensions, ensure that their parameters are set correctly.

Deployment Errors

Error Message:

"Deployment Failed: Insufficient Funds."


This error suggests that your connected wallet doesn't have enough funds to cover the deployment costs.


  • Check your wallet balance to ensure you have enough native tokens (e.g., ROC or SHIB) for deployment.
  • If you're on a test network, ensure you've obtained tokens from the respective faucet.
  • Ensure that your wallet is correctly connected to PCW.

Contract Interaction Errors

Error Message:

"Transaction Failed: Function Not Allowed."


This error indicates that you're trying to execute a function that's not permitted by the contract.


  • Review the contract's functionalities and ensure you're interacting with it correctly.
  • If the contract has extensions like "Pausable," ensure that the contract isn't paused when trying to execute transactions.

Custom Contract Errors

Error Message:

"Invalid Metadata Provided."


This error suggests that there's an issue with the metadata you've provided for your custom contract.


  • Ensure that the metadata format is correct and compatible with PCW.
  • Double-check the contract address and network details to ensure they match the provided metadata.